“Elective home Germany”. A newspaper article by her husband Heribert von Koerber, which appeared in the early 1950s. Some of the article about her life is journalistically “adapted”. Thus the destination of the trip to Europe was originally Paris, Berlin was only a stopover. Other details described in the article do not quite correspond to the facts either.

“Persian traditional art in Europe”. In the “Katholische Zeitung” of June 2, 1957, the journalist Bachmann writes about the works of Akefeh von Koerber. Only where he refers to the adjacent picture, which quite obviously shows two nuns, does he invent a new title, “Two Sisters”, and claims that it depicts two blind sisters from Iran. This journalistic “adaptation” was due to the spirit of the times. In 1957, public speaking about the horrors of World War II was almost taboo. In fact, A. v. K. had drawn two desperate nuns in a shelter in Leipzig during a bombing raid and reported this to Mr. Bachmann.

In the center of the colonial old city of Havana, Cuba, is the old palace of the Governor of Havana (today a museum and office of the city historian). To the right is the palace of his deputy (today the seat of the Cuban Book Institute with exhibition rooms).
In April 1990 an exhibition of the works of Akefeh von Koerber took place there.
“Juventud rebelde”, in which the exhibition was announced on 12 April 1990, is the second largest daily newspaper in Cuba.